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Learning Rainbow

Another week soaring by with success! We are learning how be patient, to take turns and to tap a friend on the shoulder if we want to get their attention. They’re already learning so much which is helping them play nicely with eachother! We’ve had a lot of kids get the “Super Friend Cape” this week which the teachers will give out when they see someone being extra kind to their friends.

Most of you met Meredith yesterday & this morning but we are so happy to have her and all of her experience here at Rainbow! We are also very excited to have a strong core team that will provide a routine and consistent environment for the kids!

Like I said in the blog last week, we will be starting our new All About Me theme on Monday. I’m going to be sending home a book that I’ve put together for the kids to decorate this weekend and bring back on Monday to put in our library for other friends to read and learn about eachother! This is a great opportunity to work with your child and let the creative juices flow so they feel excited to share their favorite things with their friends! Please don’t forget to send in a family picture or email one to Rainbow so we can have it on our Family Board…I’ll send out an email as well. If you have any questions feel free to reach out!

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