Hi parents! We are so happy to have you and your little ones apart of our Rainbow Family! We are welcoming Connell, Sawyer, Cooper, Imogene, Nash, Rory & then Max next Tuesday. We are very impressed with their transitions and are so proud of them and the older friends for working together to make Rainbow so awesome!
We are booked with enrichment activities like Soccer, Gymnastics, Hip-Hop, Spanish and Story Time. I’ll have a weekly calendar on the dry erase board when you walk in so you can see what we have going on that week but you can also find our monthly activities on the google calendar which I will be updating today.
Our theme these first three weeks is Everything Rainbow where we will learn about the rules, the centers, exciting art activities, daily jobs & more! The next theme starting 9/9 will be All About Me…this is a great time to bring in a family picture for our family board! Feel free to email me the picture and I can print it out for you. We will be doing a lot of talking about family at circle and class time so a picture will make it easier for me to help direct!
We also celebrated our first birthday of the year, Mr. Connell turned 3! Happy birthday buddy!
If y’all have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out…my phone number is 281-638-6661 or you can email the rainbow email!